TÜBA, as the national science academy of Turkey, conducts the research/reporting activities and scientific meetings with working groups. TÜBA Energy Working Group continues scientific-based activities in line with the innovations and needs of the age. The developments such as increasing population, rapidly rising industrial production, and technological improvement have increased the dependence of countries and societies on energy. This emerging need has brought along studies on the concept of energy security and alternative energy searches.
Energy has been always at the forefront throughout human history and shaped modern times. As a result of our ongoing habit of using wood, coal, natural gas, and oil as primary energy resources, humanity has been introduced to the concepts of “global warming” and “climate change” in the 20th century. Due to the increased environmental threat, clean energy transformation programs have been initiated and widened to a global scale at the end of the last century. Hence, fossil fuel use in developed and developing countries has gradually decreased, and humanity has been taking firm steps towards a carbon-free future.
Today, energy investments and roadmaps are planned with the common perspective of many different disciplines such as economics, international politics, social sciences, informatics, health, and natural and applied sciences. In this context, on behalf of the Turkish Academy of Sciences, I would like to invite you to the TÜBA World Conference on Energy Science and Technology (TÜBA WCEST-2021), to be held between 8 – 12 August 2021, to discuss the energy technologies, strategies, and policies in a multidisciplinary aspect.
Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Şeker
General Chair of TUBA WCEST-2021
President of Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA)
As the chair for Energy Working Group at the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA), it is my distinct pleasure to announce our initiative to organize a significant event virtually this time, the so-called: TUBA World Conference on Energy Science and Technology (TUBA WCEST-2021) between 8-12 August 2021. This unique conference aims to invite internationally renowned researchers and scientists, leading policymakers and strategists, and society presidents and committee chairs to deliver plenary, keynote, and invited talks.
There will also be expert panels where specialists will discuss hot topics, current challenges and opportunities, and future directions. Furthermore, there will be general sessions where many research talks will be delivered by researchers, scientists, engineers, and technologists to disseminate high-quality research results and present new findings. Participations are expected from academia, government agencies, and industry to bring all players together, and the conference is then expected to lead to effective and fruitful discussions and collaborations among these attendants from different disciplines, institutes, and sectors from all over the world. Moreover, it is also planned to have some special issues in various reputable international journals to publish high-quality papers out of the conference.
In closing, I warmly welcome you all to attend this unique conference and help a create a fruitful virtual platform.
Prof. Dr. İbrahim Dincer
Conference Chair of TUBA WCEST-2021